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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1884-1885-207

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apfliei sciences 201 elusive of Chemicals the number of lessons being regu ted as under Student -6 lessons of hours each Students- Students-10 Students-12 99 99 99 י9 99 For fee of 13 10 private Student is entitled to attend- nee at Lectures and to the use of chemicals apparatus &c three terms 12 Fine Art Established by aid of the City and Guilds Institute The Classes in Fine Art are open to Students in the morning rom 10 to o'clock every day On Tuesday at 11 there is Lecture accompanied by lustrations on some branch of the Art of Design special class for Ladies to include both lectures on Art nd practical instruction in Drawing and Painting is held very Saturday from 10 to Individual Instruction is given to Students in various ranches of Fine Art such as Drawing from the Flat and rom the Antique Monochrome Drawing on Wood Painting η China Etching the application of Plant and other Natural orms to Decoration and General Designing This School is established to meet some of those serious leficiencies in Modern Art Education which have long pre- ented the elevation of popular taste and have compelled rt Manufacturers and Publishers to employ foreign artists nd workmen The demand for better class of Art iraughtsmen has for some time made itself heard but it ay be questioned whether the efforts hitherto made to upply an acknowledged want have not confined Art teaching 00 much within the narrow limits of bare mechanical opying and drawing and have too often failed to stimulate he student to observe read think and generalize for him- self The greatest successes of the periods to which artists always look back with reverence and sometimes with despair
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