Calendar: 1883-1884 Page 82
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report Degrees in Medicine and Surgery that scheme for the fusion of the English Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons has been accepted by the authorities of those bodies and that the Government has introduced an important Medical Bill which is now passing through the House of Peers These changes will in different ways materially affect medical education in this Metropolis The work of the Department calls for no special remark the general diligence and conduct of the Students have been most satisfactory The Council have to report the resignation of the office of Dean of the Medical Faculty by Professor Bentley after service of twenty years during which period he devoted himself with unremitting diligence and untiring zeal to the duties of the office and by his invariable kindness and courtesy in performing them gained the esteem and affection of all his colleagues and pupils The Council have elected Professor Curnow on the unanimous recommendation of the Board to the vacant office Messrs Kenny and Brooks both of them old Students of the College have been appointed Demonstrators of Anatomy and Physiology respectively The only change in the Hospital Staff is the resignation of the Pathological Registrarship by Mr Η Barrow on being appointed Assistant-Surgeon to the Westminster Hos- pital The vacancy has not yet been filled Dr Frederick Willcocks former scholar and House Physician at King's College Hospital has been elected an Assistant-Physician to Charing Cross Hospital as -The Evening Class work has gone on much the last year the number of Students being almost exactly the same about 424 The provision for Evening Class teaching generally at even lower fees than those of the College Classes has been largely increased in London But the Council are happy to be able to believe that King's College still keeps its place of prominence and even of leadership in this important educational work
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