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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-699

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τ ι ι PRIZI Γ ΟΓ Clinical Jttefrtaiir Γ0 llrtjo Give an account 01 the case of Henry Dyer in Craven Ward luring tin sutnnior seaeion art dieea-e SeaSO Describe anv eme 01 cereorai death in Dr Vinson's wards during 1110 winter or summer session five your views on the treatment of ascites and refer to cases under Prof Heale's care iive an outline of case of enlarged spleen under Prof- Beale and describe the pathological changes in the organ and in the eystem ϋ iive the leading features case of lirematintiria that was for long time in 1110 Twining ward Compare the cases of young man with incipient general paralysis that was in Todd ward during the latter part of the winter and man at present in the same waid with bulbar paralysis Sfftarf licctuvcs What were the legal hindrances to the formation of Joint Stork Pinks deposit in London previous to the establishment of th London and Westminster Hank Is theK any relation between Hanking profits and the value of money What limitation if any should be placed in the character and proportion of Banking investments Illustrate the same by reference to the law and practice of foreign Hanks What are the merits of and objections to any system of progressive taxation Under what circumstances may it be more economical for the 8tate to borrow money for any extra financial exi- jrencie than obtaining the same by an increase in the burden of taxation
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