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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-694

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690 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Describe accurately the mechanisms of the valves on the left side of the heart and explain the phenomena that accompany their closure Write short account of the ferments which aid in digestion Describe the changes brought about in the character of single contraction of frog's muscle by temperature of 30 and 50 extreme fatigue over stimulation Explain what is meant by the terms afferent efferent and intercentral nerves co-ordination reflexion inhibition and give illustrations of each Describe the inner and outer layers of the retina mentioning the topographical variations observed in each and ascribe to them their special functions III -C emt tvj What fresh information has been acquired during the last few years as to the causes of the explosions in coal- mines Describe the mode of preparing absolute alcohol Explain the classification of alcohols as normal primary secondary tertiary monatomic diatomic and triatomic State the old and new theories respecting the process of etherification and cite some experimental evidence What relationship exists between benzene phenole and picric acid From what source is each obtained One gramme of neutral solid substance containing carbon hydrogen and oxygen only gave on combustion 1-47 gramme carbon dioxide and 594 gramme water Give its empirical formula and state what you believe the sub- stance to be
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