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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-691

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medical department 687 the respirations from 20 to 40 The strength was gradually failing and at the end of the above-mentioned period the question whether anything more could be done had to he carefully considered At this time the right side of the chest was dull at the lower part and the dulness behind extended as high as the spine of the scapula but the right side did not appear to be larger than the left Discuss the nature of the case describe the physical signs and enter fully into the question of operating describing the steps of any operation you consider necessary the risks likely to be incurred and the dangers to be avoided What medical treatment should be recommended Lastly explain what would happen if the case was left to itself and give full account of the pathological changes from first to last 11 Ā£ttra rg fotti tudtom &4ti in $0 pttal Describe the symptoms produced by stone in the bladder in the order of their significance Mention the forms of stone most commonly met with Describe with precision the method by which you would arrive at certain diagnosis and 'state the difficulties the surgeon may meet with in this process Describe the various operations for stone and as illustrations refer to cases occurring in Professor Smith's wards during the past session II Describe the 6igns of case of Scirrhus tumour of the mamma local and general describe the appearances which BU0b tumour resents both to the naked eye and micro- BCOpically State the circumstances which would warrant you in performing an operation and those which forbid it and detail the steps of the operation for excision of the mamma and illustrate your remarks by reference to cases lately in Professor Smith's wards
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