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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-690

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686 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT IX ittcirtc tl 31 ×¢ ut matt SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP I-JHetticme Give short account of the essential changes in feVef and inflammation Describe any case of mitral disease Under Dr Beale's care during this session What are the best tests for albumen in the urine and how are they to be applied How would you treat case of ordinary gout What is paraplegia Explain presystolic murmur Write three prescriptions in full for purgatives and three for sedatives II -Case tit jfttfr'cuu for Commentary lady fifty years of age florid well-nourished who had for many years been troubled with an eruption about the face and behind the ears was taken ill three months ago with pain on the right side in the hepatic region The pain was worse on taking deep inspiration but it often disappeared entirely for few days and then returned as bad as before From time to time the patient had slight rigors and often felt chilly The temperature varied during the three months from 100 to 101 on one or two occasions only falling to 99 and then only for few hours The pulse varied from 90 to 120 and
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