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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-678

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674 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS III -Cijurcl Cattri tsm What is the meaning of the word 'Catechism and what is the especial object of Catechisms Show how the various parts of our Catechism are connected with each other Point out the relation between the three Baptismal Blessings and also the connection of the three parts of the Baptismal Vow What is the origin and what the substance of the Apostles' Creed Compare it in general character with the other two Creeds On what principles are the explanations of the Com- mandments the duty towards God and the duty towards our neighbour' drawn from the Commandments themselves Give the various parts of the duty towards our neighbour which belong to the various Commandments Write out the explanation of the Lord's Prayer What clause in the Prayer does it omit Give from the Catechism the definition of Sacrament How does it exclude the other five ordinances called ζ Sacra- ments' in the Roman Church Illustrate from Scripture and from the Prayer-book the following answers death unto sin and new birth unto righteousness The Body and Blood of Christ which are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper IV ngltfty fcfetovg 1660-1714 What was the object of the Test Act Explain the circumstances which appeared to make it necessary On what occasions in this period was Declaration of indulgence issued What were the objections raised to it י What were the main sources of the revenue of Charles II In what way did the Commons secure the financial control after the Revolution What were the m&ih provisions of the Act of Settlement
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