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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-643

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 639 mtt fetner emat im ein fietneS ut erl eiratt et fyitte Ztci ange unb eS fam bte 910 tf ber bofeften Beit 3n biefer fyatet er oon bem Setntgen geopfert 1ז0ט bem Staate nnb son fetnem £5mge ba3 Benigfte erfyatten unb oerlangt 3n fremben Sanben αίδ 'Sieger $u plunbern unb ju rauben war beutjcfjer ftelbberren umourbtg unb trare btefem ijocfyfjergigen aKanne unmogttd gewefen pater at fein onig bem in ben rafenftanb Srfyobenen eine bebeutenbe 5d enfung ge ma Gcr at ftci baS iucf gefalien laffen iff aber trie in fetnem fruf eren Buffanbe immer ein £err fetneS 2Wut$e3 unt £er$en3 gebtteben immer fern oon jeDer £offartl unb £ab fuφgro muii tg ftlfreid fretgebig trie Die atfbetebenb 80nne unb ft Translate into German Is there human being whose happiness is com- plete Were not Alexander should like to be Diogenes w&----- He is said to have emigrated to America The sun rising as it were out of the sea pre- sented magnificent spectacle The trees we have planted the houses we have built the friends we love bind us to the earth and embitter our parting The king has appointed him ambassador to the Russian court There are people who read merely that they netd not be obliged to think The first opportunity will be embraced by us Only few words are needed to set my mind at rest
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