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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-641

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 637 Explain the subjunctive mood in the following quota- tlOns φ 1t vvv-r 11 faut des chatiments dont 1'univers fremisse Un homme en vaut un autre moins que par malheur un d'eux ait corrompu son esprit et son coeur Quel indigne plaisir peut avoir Tavarice Et que sert d'amasser moins qu'on ne jouisse Translate the following into French especially with view to the use of the subjunctive mood י There is no grief that time does not soften He is the only man that can trust There are few men who know where to look for true glory The law of God orders us to love our enemies Do you doubt that am your friend It is the only good that cannot be taken from us XXIV &n man Senior Division Translate into English Λ Unfcre 3S0rfat ven jogen fleifjig rciber ben uvren uuu baS foitten tcir nod tt ttn voenn tcir efytiicfye uteris nnb gnte £i tiften nniren ftretiicfy fcegreife ίφ νοοψ bap ein fteltyuQ iriber ben Sitrfen md ί αί6 folufitg fein fann att etner wiber ben 8ran$0fen after bafur 1nu cr ana urn fo fctel oerbtenft liaerfein in biefem vok in jenem £efcn £ ie Sttrfen tyaben bir atie &6el3 nut 3Mamanten 6efe Urn mir son fo einem &i ben $0 3f flatten $u lajfen reife trf nid etne etfe 11 rcirft bod ηϊφί toll fein unb bein fdjBne8 Sdjuljengeridst bertaffen Explain the expression ul$engerid
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