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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-638

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631 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE And also Sans doute nous aussi nous sabrions PHistoire Nous mettions nous aussi Tunivers aux abois Mais dictes en soldat et signes la main noire Nos traites de vainqueurs sentaient encor la gloire Et les droits des vaincus restaient toujours des droits Sans doute nous broyions les peuples dans nos courses Mais du grand Charlemagne au grand Napoleon Jamais soldat n'a pris les guerres pour ressources Nos abatteurs de rois ne coupaient pas les bourses -Et les voleurs n'ont pas de place au Pantheon IT Translate into French Such sire was once the disposition of people who now surround your throne with reproaches and complaints Do justice to yourself Banish from your mind those unworthy opinions with which some interested persons have laboured to possess you Distrust the men who tell you that the English are naturally light and inconstant-that they com- plain without cause Withdraw your confidence equally from all parties-from ministers favourites and relations and let there be one moment in your life in which you have consulted your own understanding The people of England are loyal to the House of Hano 7er not from vain preference of one family to another but from conviction that the establishment of that family was necessary to the support of their civil and religious liberties This sire is principle of allegiance equally solid and rational fit for Englishmen to adopt and well worthy of your Majesty's encouragement We cannot long be deluded by nominal distinctions The name of Stuart of itself is contemptible armed with the sovereign authority their principles are formidable The prince who imitates their conduct should be warned by example and while he plumes himself upon the security of his title to the crown should remember that as it was acquired by one revolution it may be lost by another
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