Calendar: 1883-1884 Page 602
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398 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT XIL-pastoral titles What considerations should mainly determine the choi of curacy illustrate from the Epistles and from early Christie writings the method of the Apostles and their successors dealing with religious error and social wrong Translate into terms of modern life the followin ministerial qualifications laid down by St Paul α μιας γυναικός άνδρα κόσμων μη πάροινον διλόγους β Έχοντας το μυστήριον της πίστ ως iv καθα σνΡ ίδή Τ Indicate briefly the advantages and disadvantages י the arrangement known as the "Christian Year as basis public worship Give suggestions for conducting children's service for the observance of Easter Even Ascension Day Rogatioi tide and for promoting congregational singing Remark upon the following statements "The test of clergyman's power is the number uncovered heads in his congregation 66 Neither religious services nor religious views ai religion '' Whatever we wish to see introduced into the life of nation must first be introduced into its schools 1' Choose some of your friends among the poor How would you propose to deal with the following cases former Sunday scholar and choir-boy who soon afte eaving school and going to work assumes an attitude defiant hostility to clergyman teacher and all their works young man who comes to you in serious perplexit as to the slaughter of the Canaanites the doctrine of th Atonement the inspiration of Holy Scripture servant who tells you she has no opportunity fo going to Holy Communion except in the evening Indiscriminate almsgiving is immoral Criticise thi statement and suggest ways in which money may rightly used for the relief of the poor
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