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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-597

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 593 The use of music in worship The repetition of the Lord's prayer The history and use of the Litany The prayer for deliverance from all tribulation The use of the sign of the Cross Draw out carefully short analysis of his treatment of he doctrine of the Sacraments generally giving any com- lents which may occur to you on its method and substance How does lie explain the general necessity of Baptism nd what objections to it does he notice and repel What was the true significance of the objections made ο private and lay Baptism What principle does Hooker ay down about these What was the origin of the interrogatories in Baptism nd how far are they applicable to Infant Baptism What is he history of the use of Sponsors Jl Trace carefully the phases through which the rite of Jonfirmation has passed in the Churchy VII Carb Cfjurri Riitorp Give an account of the First Apology of St Justin Martyr What is known of the life of St Irenseus Wfcat 1a the nature and value of his testimony to the Scriptures of the New Testament What are the chief points in which the Gnostic systems were antagonistic to Christian principles Give an account of the works of Clement of Alexandria which have been preserved Sketch the life of Origen What was the method of Grigen's teaching as described by St Gregory Thaumaturgus Discuss the argument in Tertullian's Treatise De Pro tcriptiombu and compare it with the teaching of Irenams Narrate the life of St Cyprian
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