Calendar: 1883-1884 Page 594
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590 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT The meaning1 of these ολόκληροι δελεαζόμενος-παραλλαγή-θρήσκος-κρνσο δακτύλιος-φρίσσονσι-βρνει-ατμις- σητόβρωτα-κατίω ται-πατροπαράδοτου-επικάλυμμα-μώλωπι-πτόησιν αρκετός-εγκομβώσασθε-ώρνόμενος-μνωπάζων αυχμηρά -λαίλαπος-εμπαίκται-ροιζηδόν-αστήρικτοι στρεβλοί σιν-παράκλητον-ιλασμός-πλάνοι-μέλανος Parse επικληθεν-σέσηπε-ηγγικε-προσηνξατο τον μη βρέξα ηγνικότες-ον μη καταισχυνθή-ηπείλει-παρεισενεγκαν τ ες--η ττηται- φ ι-αρη-εχάρην -&vticU Give the Scriptural authority and shew the spiritua significance of the Article He descended into Hades In respect of the doctrine of the Holy Ghost draw 0111 The essential points of the Revelation of the New Testa ment as distinct from that of the Old The merits of tht controversy between the Eastern and Western Churches The relation of His office as Paraclete to that of Our Lord Explain clearly the meaning of mystery י In whal form is the mystery of the Holy Trinity taught in Holy Scripture and in the primitive Creeds Analyse the exposi- tion of it in the Athanasian Creed Quote the first paragraph of Article VI On what proofs is its statement based What was its special importance in the sixteenth century and what at the present time To what extent does it involve determination of the special character of Biblical Inspiration י Contrast the methods of formation of the Old Testament and New Testament Canons Within what limits is variation as to the contents of each practically confined Explain clearly the temporary and permanent aspects of the obligation of the Mosaic Law illustrating your statement by examples
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