Calendar: 1883-1884 Page 479
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Page content
THE SCHOOL DRAWING -1 odei Given by the Professor lng One to both Dmeions L&na Dra xi THE WORKSHOP One for Iron-work Give by thc Council One for Wood-work MIDDLE SCHOOL One for Divinity Given by the Head Ma 1er This Prize is awarded to the boy who obtains the highest number of marks in the Divinity Examination at Mid- summer Given out of the Rust" Mc- II One for Latin mun Fund Subjects Latin Grammar English sentences to be translated into Latin ο 11nsP nassages of Latin to be translated 111 to Easy unseen ρ English Given out of the" Rust" Mc- III One for Greek m0rial Fond Subjects Greek Grammar Easy English sentences to be translated int itck Lasy fiingi lr lated nit Easy unseen passages ol GreeK English
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