Calendar: 1883-1884 Page 438
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AM civil sebvice classes LOWER DIVISION -MEN CLERKSHIPS Open Competition for Two Second Class Ckrkships in the India Office and Forty-four Men Clerkships August 1882 No Foster Stantiall Riley Ansell Kirk Dudding 10 Atha Η 11 Hale 14 Shaw 17 Jerred 18 Plowman Τ 20 Brown No 23 Harvey 24 Reid 25 Segger 27 Booth 30 Hill 11 31 Hudson 33 Bird 35 Harvey Ε 37 Wernham Ε 39 Twyford 42 Hoyles Successful in the Limited Competition held at the same time No Wyborn Kirkby Parry LOWER DIVISION -MEN CLERKSHIPS Open Competition for Ninety-five Men Clerkships November 1882 No Mclver Couratin Cochrane Τ Η Brodie Maskall Matthews Coe 10 Beard No 11 Bamford II 12 Clauson-Thue 13 Thompson 15 Graham 16 Scott 18 Kirby 20 Fowles 21 Roe
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