Calendar: 1883-1884 Page 437
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CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES 433 APPOINTMENTS IN THE CIVIL SERVICE Students of the Civil Service Department gained the follow- ng appointments from August 1882 to July 31 1883 -The numbers against the names indicate the ositions taken in the complete official list of successful candidates CLE RKSHIPS -CLASS Open Competition for Sixteen Clerkships February 1883 Molony INDIA OFFICE SUPERIOR CLERKSHIPS Open Competition for One Clerkship November 1882 Took the first place but was disqualified by Garrett ASSISTANT SURVEYORSHIPS OF TAXES Competition for Six Appointments My 1882 ץ ז Sumner Ε ASSISTANT SUKVEYOBSHIPS OF TAXES '"י No No Fowler Sharland Dimb eby Hue Symons Ε Ε
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