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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-434

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430 CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES There is senior section of the class meeting once week at reduced f6e to which are assigned old students fairly well acquainted with the work Students are recommended to join the Class at the beginning of the course but there are admissions at intervals of six weeks The Secretary's office is always open for the receipt of fees from 10 to Saturdays 10 to and is kept open all day until 30 on the opening day of the course and on the first day of each succeeding period Intending Students are requested if possible to pay their fees at the College Office before entering the Class-room Subjects of Examination -Handwriting Spelling Arith- metic Composition Geography and History Book required -Brook Smith's Arithmetic Macmillan As Gd Books recommended -Spelling Vocabulary Chambers 6c£ King's College Tots 6c to be had at the College by Students only Curtis's Outlines of Geography Simpkin 6c Mackay's Outlines of Geography Blackwood Is Philips's First School Atlas la Curtis's Outlines of English History Simpkin 6c Ross's Outlines of English History Simpkin 2s 6c Female clerks of the lowest class receive salaries of £65 per year rising by £3 annually to £80 Promotion to higher classes depends on merit First class clerks receive from £80 to £100 per year principal clerks from £110 to £150 superintendents from £165 to £300 Candidates for examin- ation must be unmarried and must be between 18 and 20 years of age Examinations ritay be expected about twice year Female Telegraph Learnerships Candidates for these situations if they do not require assistance in the Elementary Arithmetic of their examination can attend this class on Fridays at one-half of the above fees Inquiries respecting this class should be addressed to the Secretary King's College Strand or to Mr β Harcourt The Green Chingford
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