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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-428

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421 civil service classes Assistant Surveyors and Surveyors receive salaries rising by £37 105 triennially rom £100 to £400 per year many receive in addition duty-pay not exceeding £200 year There are 14 Inspectors rising by £20 annually from £550 to £6504 ל Superintending Inspectors rising by £25 annually from £700 to £800 and one Chief Inspector with salary of £1 000 Most of the Scotch Surveyors receive about £100 per year as Assessors under the Lands Valuation Act The above scale of pay is the same as the scale attached to the Higher Division Clerkships in the Civil Service Candidates successful for the Excise and unsuccessful for Surveyorships can compete again if they resign their Excise appointments before passing into actual employment un- successful Lower Division Clerks can retain their Clerkships Excise Officers and Surveyors of Taxes receive retiring allowances under the Civil Service Superannuation Act IV BO CLERKSHIPS "Lower Division" of the Civil Service and Men and Boy Copyistships mr walke Each course of preparation of this Class begins about month after the preceding examination for Boy Clerkships and continues until the following examination The class affords suitable preparation for the Classes for Men Clerkships and Excise Appointments Books required -Brook Smith's Arithmetic Macmillan 6d Richardsons Smaller Modern Geography Murray 2s 6c Spelling Vocabulary Chambers 6d Curtis's Out- lines of Geography Simpkin 6d Philips' First School Atlas King's College Tots dd to be had at the College by Students only -Candidates for Men Copyistships do not require Geography
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