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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-424

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420 civil service classes with reduced attendance and reduced fee for old students well acquainted with the work of the First Section Pre- paration for the next competition is given in each Section Students who are too late for one course and wish to begin their preparation without waiting for the next are recom- mended in the meantime to attend Class which will afford them useful introduction to the work of the Men Clerk's Class The fee for Class will be charged according to the period for which the student joins at the rate of 4s Qd per evening and the student will be able to attend on one or two evenings per week The subjects of examination for Men Clerkships Second Class Clerkships in the India Office and Outport Clerkships are the same Handwriting highest marks attainable 400 Orthography 400 Arithmetic 400 Copying MS to test accuracy 200 Indexing or Docketing 200 Digesting ×™ Returns into Summaries 200 English Composition 200 Geography 200 English History 200 Book-keeping 200 Books required -Brook Smith's Arithmetic Macmillan Qd Hunter's Self Instruction in Book-Keeping re- quired by beginners Longmans 2s Hamilton and Ball's Book-Keeping required hy advanced students Macmillan 2s King's College Indexing Id to be had at the College by Students only Curtis's Outlines of Geography Simpkin Richardson's Smaller Modern Geography Murray 28 Qd Curtis's Outlines of English History Simpkin 6d Dr Smiths Smaller History of England Murray 3s Qd Books recommended -Spelling Vocabulary Chambers 6d Abbott's How to Write Clearly for composition Seeley 1s 6d Mackay's Physiography Blackwood is Qd Philips First School Atlas Is King's College Tots Qd to be had at the College by Students only Inquiries respecting this class should be addressed to the Secretary King's College or to Mr Bkaginton Edgcumbe House Friends' Road Croydon Men Clerkships -About nine-tenths of these Appointments
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