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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-421

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CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES ן ן their actual age any time not exceeding five years which ז may have spent in such service Thus candidate who approaching the upper limit of age for Man Clerkship Excise or any other Appointment and obtains emplovment in any capacity in the Civil Service before passing that limit thereby secures re-admission to his Competition after two years' service Inquiries respecting any particular class of appoint should be addressed to the lecturer entrusted with the pre- paration of candidates for that appointment General inquiries with view to determine what examination should be taken or what classes attended should be addree ti Dean of the Department Mr BRAGINTONJ IMgcumbe House Friends' Road Croydon HIGHER CIVIL SERVICE AND ΟΪΗϊ EXAMINATIONS MR WOOD AND ASSISTANTS This Class in which all the Students receive individual instruction is intended for Candidates preparing for Higher Civil Service ruinations Clerkships Class India Otho Superior Clerkships Assistant Survey orship Taxes see page 423 Foreign Office Student lnt preters Factory Inspectors British Museum Indian Forest Department Ceylon Wri erehip &c Candidates preparing for Clerkships in Prison Bank of England and other Lower Fxaniinationa for whichthere are no special classes at Kings Collet Students of other classes in the Civil Service partment who require individual instruction Hours of attendance -Mondays and Thursda 45 to Intending students or tlieir For regulations limits of and subjects of j" B6e Civil Service Year Book Cel which 1n em λ of the Civil Service Year Book St Bride Btm Mt י rrw ft SJi-
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