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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-420

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416 CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES temporary are in the great majority of cases practically permanent Out-door Customs Appointments see page 427 -Candidates who are too old for the Excise have the Out-door Department of the Customs open to them age 19-25 salary Ā£55 to 100 with chance of promotion to higher appointments The work of out-door officers is at first rather rough but it will be seen page 417 that the higher appointments open to them are very good Higher Appointments see page 417 Higher division appointments are only gained by passing the most difficult of all Civil Service Examinations viz the Class Examination As most of them are gained by University men it is clear that if candidate is to have the best possible chance of success his school or college education ought not to be interrupted except for special preparation for this examination Success in the Class Examination is however by no means im- possible to an able and hard-working Student who leaves College at 17 or 18 and being obliged to take employment becomes Man Clerk and devotes himself assiduously to his preparatory studies in his evenings But besides Higher Division there are other valuable appointments such as As- sistant Surveyorships of Taxes referred to on the previous page Superior Clerkships in India Office Student Interpreter- ships &c see Class with Examinations of considerably less difficulty than the Class and an able and studious Lower Division Clerk making full use of his spare time would have good prospect of ultimately obtaining one of these It will be seen that Class is specially adapted for Lower Division Clerks and others already employed who are pre- paring for higher appointments in the Civil Service -In reckoning age for Civil Service appointments persons who have served in the Army or Navy can deduct from their actual age the full time during which they have served and persons who have served for two full consecutive years in any situation to which they were admitted with the certificate of the Civil Service Commissioners or as Registered Copyists in conaection with the Civil Service can deduct from
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