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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-419

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paration for the Examination lor Μ η Clerkship former is useful preparation for the elementary work of the latter and Boy Cl rke are not required to pass lb liminary Examination for Men Clerkships Boys nnhfrmrih Joy Clerks 811011 1636 no time in commencing preparaliu for Men Clerkships or the is Lower Division-Men Clerkships see page 418 -If em ployment is not desired until after 17 hut soon after that a£ candidates for the Civil Service should 11 at Clcrkihir age 17-20 salary Jo to £250 in seven hour ofli and to 11200 in six hour offices with chance of additional pay is both cases Nearly nine-tenths of these ppointment aio in London Snccessfnl candidates are however allowed choose their own Locality-London hit in Edinburgh or the Provinces Men Clerkship- re often sought as affording fairly remunerative employment in London while for higher appointments in the "w il Sen ice or el hours being 10-5 01 10-4 only Excise Appointments and Assistant Surveyors see pages 422 42 -Excise Appointments age 19 £95 to £200 with very fair prospect of ri in ore ן and many still nigne י ri Ki1- pד clusively clerical rkshij1 ciO lencai λ --- dtliout obtaining naent end ו 11 ft τ II111 over ago wuhuui -0 to enter the Civil Service cannot do better thai an Excise appointment tin- value of which ie that of Man Clerkship Snecos in tit Exciae Kmnin is the only means of entrance to the competition to sistant Surveyor8J1ip8 of Taxes salary £100 י ז- chance of additional pay and still Η e01ntm ntt Men Copyist ships see pnge 41 Γ -I anaw Men Clerkships or Excise Appointment who 1rrc ment in the meantime are often able to obtain1 Mm Copyi age not lees than 18 y1 These situation- probably artoid more ץ r' nbed than most private employment and though arm
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