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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-368

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364 EVENING CLASSES Class ll -Valpy's Delectus White -Xeno- phon Anabasis -Grammar Arnold's Accidence John Lamb Mayor's Greek for Beginners Part GERMAN Class Reading of Modern German Work to be selected at the First Lecture -Grammar -German Prof Bochhkim Ph ח Prose Composition -Essay Writ-I IM'1 ng optional Special attention will be paid in this Class to German Conver ati Class II -Elementary Grammar Reading Buchheim Modern German Reader Ηβη Clarendon Press Series ""nicke THE BLOWPIPE-The Practical Examination of Minerals together with the use of the Blowpipe From t0 lRev- Professor Wiltshirf GEOLOGY-A Course on the Rocks and Fossils MA PGS of the Secondary and Tertiary formations From to Class Students as have attended either the class of Mineralogy or of Geology during the preceding Academical Year MATHEMATICS- Tuesday £ asS R- Sterndale Bennett Class 11 Larcheh ITALIAN Professor Perini PUBLIC READING AND SPEAKING Rev D'Orsey PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY Johnson FINE ART Professor Delamotte Class from to Wednesday ENGLISH- History and GrammaticalStructure of the Language Analysis ofL Λ Sentences Composition-Ab Rev -ADOLPHUe stractand Precis Writing
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