Calendar: 1883-1884 Page 310
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306 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT φ make chemical and microscopical examinations and shal be responsible for all instruments and apparatus entrusts to his care He shall attend in the Out-patient depart ment at one o'clock daily and remain thereuntil all the Out Patients have been seen shall see patients when allotted him by the Surgeon in attendance shall take charge of the in struments in the Out-Patient department and superintend th dressing and instruct the Out-Patient Dressers in their duties He shall also see that the Surgery is kept in good order Candidates for this office must have filled the office Dresser to Out-Patients but no Student is eligible to enter the duties of this office at period later than five years an half from the date of his Matriculation or year of standin see page 253 in the Medical Department Candidates may be admitted to examination for this offic before obtaining their diplomas but will not be allowe to enter upon their duties before they shall be members licentiates of British College of Surgeons Such Assistant House Surgeons as shall have performed the duties to the satisfaction of the Committee of Managemei and the Council during six months shall if otherwise eligibl be considered as having c&teris paribus claim to be elect to the office of House Surgeon Operations -The area of the theatre shall be reserved the Medical Officers including those resident the ln-Patiei Dressers and such visitors as are specially introduced by tl operating Surgeon The first row of the theatre shall be served for the remaining Dressers and the Clinical Clerks Midwifery -Pupils wrho have previously attended Cour of Lectures are provided with large number of cases of Mi wifery The patients are attended at their own houses in tl neighbourhood of the Hospital under the superintendence the Physician-Accoucheur and Physician's Assistant Every Student desiring to attend cases shall live within reasonable distance of the Hospital so that his services ms be readily available In undertaking to attend Midwifei
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