Calendar: 1883-1884 Page 30
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2 Κ1Ν Λ OOUaos LONDON ACT 1882 Mtetiwje of Gorrrnor All questions at ny Meet ng of the GoYernors hall be 1-1 ךי hy the majority of those present an the Chairman hill have vote and also second or sling vote if the -s art 111 And no ueetion hall decided at Λ1 -et 11 of Govern ore except that of adjournment unl Ihrco aro reei-nt at the cisioiL Treasurer of he C0H je 10 There shall he Tr asur of the Coll go who shall be member 04 the College and he shall appointed and may removed from time to time the Council it rs 11 There shall be Three Auditors who hall continue in office for year and shall he elected at the Annual General Meeting lianinafter provided and thev need nut he mem- hers of the Oolleire Council of the College 12 There shall he Council coneUtmg of th Governors and the rearer and Twenty-foor other member of the 11 γ 1ך no person who doe not declare hi to be member of the Ch1 of England hall he competent to act as Governor by virtu his office or to be Life ver or member of the Council or to fill any office in the Collet xcept profWlupe of oriental litermtnre and odern languages Chairm in of Council At all tings of the וזךווח ο present or else the Bishop of neither of them 18 present or
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