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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-286

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Mi Ell Ki-ARTMEfT C1 rPoV T"S Ur my dtt out ץ or uo βϊββρι fc co eent of י- be aid1 ithvn haif IV' Ii lch "PPointment it ז made fnr ι ldc lu lf fnr π- appointment for another year ο" to the ea oik is appou tcd Re-Mstr -ve tv- ear or abovl he agelff Znyt VI Every Candidate must have held For the office of Medical Re istnir hv cm hvsi cl r' AssiMam For the office of Surreal Ri ri tm ייי ל" con lln lsc And must produce certificate from tin Committee of the Hospital of good conduct and from tin Dean of the Medical Department of having satisfactorily performed 118 duties whilst holding any of the above appointment VII No one is to be re-elected to second vear of office unless the Committee the Hospital shall certify to hi rood conduct in the Hospital during liis past year of service and the Dean of the Medical Department to the proper discharge of his duties during tlie ame period VIII The Registrars are to attend da the Hospital and are to enter their names on the attendance sheet of the Medical and Surgical Staff in the Hoard Room IX In addition to the usual short Abstract ol every Hot pitalCase recorded each Kegistr tr is to record the least luring each year of his service Ten Medical or Teo Surgical Case of an import tnt rhnraeter severally noted and prepared for publication together with report of post-mortem am1
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