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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-242

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mkpical πκγλκτμκντ damage done to apparatus must he- repaired at the expense of the Student who may have occasioned the same The text-book in this lass is Bloxain's Laboratory Teach i1וμ Analytical and Kxpkuimkstal Ciikmistry In addition to the Chemical Course and to the Summer Mass of Practical Chemistry accommodation is provided for those Students who may wish to acquire more minute acquaintance with certain subdivisions of the science than can be conveyed in regular course of lectures and demon- strations The Class formed for this purpose is conducted in the Labo- ratory under the superintendenceof the Professors and Demon strators Hv this means each Student will enal lcd to familiarize himself with the methods of analysis and the operations of research Attention will be particularly given to- Analytical Chemistry including the reparation of the principal tests and reagents in state of purity-the exam nation of the more important Metallic Ores as those of Iron Lead Copper Tin Silver Cobalt and Nickel-the Analysis of Coal-Building-stones and the various modifications of Organic Analysis Agricultural Chemistry comprising the examinations of Soils Manures and the Saline and Organic Constituents of Plants Processes of Manufacturing Art involving also an exami- nation as well of the products of art as of the crude materials produced by the Vegetable Kingdom such as colouring natters drugs and dye-stuffs and The particular plan of study followed by each Student will depend on the objects lie may have in view He will he encouraged when suflieiently advanced to prosecute new in quirics and to simplify the processes now in use Gentlemen may enter for longer or shorter time as nay suit their leisure at any period of the year except during the
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