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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-143

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 139 DIVISION SECOND YEAR Michaelmas Term -Homer Odyssey VII and Sallust ץ-י atilme י Lent Term -Subjects for Trinity College Cambridge Matriculation Examination Easter Term -Xenophon Cyropaedia and Cicero de Amicitia and Oration against Catiline first year Michaelmas Term -Greek and Latin Reader Grammar and Exercises Lent Term -Xenophon Anabasis II and Cicero de Senectute Easter Term -Xenophon Anabasis and Cicero de Officiis Prizes and Certificates At the examination which takes place at the close of the Easter Term Prize of Books is given to the First in the order of the Examination in each Division and also prizes for Latin Prose Certificates of Honour and Certificates of Merit are given to such Students as in the opinion of the Examiners are entitled to them No Prize or Certificate is given except for absolute merit nor to any Student who has not entered at least upon his Second Term
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