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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1883-1884-107

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GENERAL RULES 103 INTERMISSION OF ATTENDANCE If Matriculated Student after being absent for Term or Session shall desire to resume his attendance the Principal shall have power to require such certificates of good conduct as may be satisfactory to bim before permitting such attendance SCHOLARSHIPS &C Matriculated Student being absent from the College for any Term or Session and being permitted to resume his attendance cannot be allowed to count the Terms or Sessions which he has already kept towards the number necessary for any Prize or Scholarship or for the Associateship unless he notifies his absence with the causes thereof to the Principal either beforehand or at latest at the beginning of the Term or Session in which he is intending to be absent and obtains his sanction to such absence in writing 10 In all Scholarships and Exhibitions in which the rules as to payment require attendance at any College or Univer- sity continuous residence or attendance is required and if such attendance be omitted in any Term or Session the Scholarship or Exhibion will be forfeited unless the Scholar or Exhibitioner notify his absence with the causes thereof to the Council either beforehand or at latest at the beginning of the Term he is intending to be absent and forward certificate of sanction to such absence from tlie Head of his College or the proper University authority 11 All Scholarships and Exhibitions conferred after this date will be paid by Terminal instalments at the end of each Term and subject to the reception in each case of such certificates as shall be required GENERAL 12 Tbe Academical Cap and Gown are to be worn within the precincts of the College except in the dissecting-room laboratories and workshops
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