Calendar: 1882-1883 Page 669
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666 APPLIED SCIENCES THIRD YEAR Describe what is meant by Curvatureי and Refraction י in levelling operations Calculate the allowance for Curvature and Refraction for one mile In surveying for proposed road through district state some of the desiderata to be kept in view The reduced levels at two points on line of railway miles apart are respectively 1248 feet and 902 feet What is the gradient In Nautical Surveying how are the positions of points at sea fixed and lines of soundings taken State some of the Standing Orders of Parliament with respect to the deposited section of railway Describe how Level is proved to be in adjustment How can distances be measured by means of telescope Explain the way to take out earthwork quantities 10 What width of land would be required to be fenced in for railway cutting 25 feet deep formation width 36 feet slopes 1£ to Send in the calculations with the answer 11 Describe how curve is set out by means of the Theo- dolite and chain 12 Vernier has 20 sub-divisions on it The graduated arc to which it is applied is divided into degrees What is the י value of the Vernier SECOND YEAR Note -Calculations are to he sent in with the answers Explain how survey is made by 'Traversing In chaining on declivity how is an allowance made by the chain and also by the Clinometer building subtends an angle at distance horizon- tally from the bottom of it What is the height in terms of sine
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