Calendar: 1882-1883 Page 617
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614 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE Ac veluti lentis Cyclopes fulmina massis Cum properant alii taurinis follibus auras Accipiunt redduntque alii stridentia tinguunt JEva lacu gemit inpositis incudibus iEtna Illi inter sese magna vi bracchia tollunt In numerum versantque tenaci forcipe ferrum Non aliter si parva licet conponere magnis Cecropias innatus apes amor urguet habendi Munere quamque suo Translate with explanatory notes grammatical or otherwise Tua si tibi Msenala curse Non aliter quam qui adverso vix flumine lembum Remigiis subigit si bracchia forte remisit Atque ilium in prseceps prono rapit alveus amni Ipsa dies alios alio dedit ordine Luna Felicis operum Licia telse addere β L93tis operatus in herbis Atque equidem extremo ni jam sub fine laborum Vela traham et terris festinem advertere proram Forsitan et pinguis hortos quse cura colendi Ornaret canerem biferique rosaria Psesti Explain the tenses Neque enim plus septuma ducitur sestas Ixionii vento rota constitit orbis Give the exact meaning of the following words de- riving them and quoting illustrative passages where you can almus-argutus-lentus-adeo- penetrabilis-ultro- improbus-obscenus-petulcus- sudus vescus stipare arcessere-tractim-hyalus-adolescere Explain the following terms and illustrate them from the Georgics Zeugma-Hendiadys-Epitheton Ornans Gnomic Perfect Onomatopoea Proleptic Adjective Ethical Dative-the Latin Middle voice δ What do you consider to have been the motive of Virgil in writing the Georgics Have we any internal evidence on the subject Fix the chronological order of his works
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