Calendar: 1882-1883 Page 605
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602 TRENCH PRIZE Reconcile the accounts given by St Paul of his journeys to Jerusalem in the Epistle to the Galatians with his visits to that Church recorded in the Acts of the Apostles Show from internal evidence to what period of his life the Epistles of St Paul to the Asiatic Churches may be referred Compare the accounts of St Paul's conversion given in the Book of Acts and point out how their ζ partial variation amidst substantial agreement9 throws light on their truth δ How are the earlier Epistles of St Paul testi mony to the genuineness of the Four Gospels and the great facts about our Lord's life and death recorded in them uotatt on$ from IH Cttftamcnt tije to Cestament From what books of the Old Testament are citations most frequently made by the Apostles Can you assign any reasons for their preference of certain books or passages Give the various formulae of quotation used by the writers of the New Testament and compare them with con- temporary Jewish methods of quotation Write down any quotations from Apocryphal sources any quotations from unknown sources which occur in the New Testament Explain what is meant by accommodation and give instances of its use in the New Testament δ Give specimens of composite quotations from the Old Testament What inferences can be drawn from their occur- rence VL-Questions on Cental Crtttctem Give full account of the Codex Sinaiticus with history of its discovery and an estimate of its importance There are two main Schools of Textual Criticism Name the leaders in each School describe their methods and state the arguments by which the use of those methods may be defended
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