Calendar: 1882-1883 Page 601
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598 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT What is Litany At what date were Litanies first introduced When and from what source mainly was our present Litany formed and what changes has it undergone Write short analysis of it What is Sacrament What is the philosophical meaning of the word 'form and what is the form in Baptism 10 What ceremonies have in various ages and countries accompanied Baptism 11 By what arguments do you defend Infant Baptism and the Institution of Sponsors 12 What is Confirmation י How do you defend it from Scripture With what ceremonies was it administered in the Middle Ages XII -fcoim'Uttc It shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak Show that this was not intended to prohibit careful preparation for the pulpit under ordinary circumstances What do you consider to be the respective advantages of addresses delivered with and without book What addresses of the nature of ζ sermons are found in the New Testament And what do they suggest as to the topics to be used in addressing those ignorant of those acquainted with the Scriptures What cautions may be suggested as to the use of emotional preaching and especially as to appeals to the dread of death and future punishment Write an outline of sermon on one of these texts Though He slay me yet will trust in Him Job xiii 15 will say to my soul Soul thou hast much goods laid up for many years take thine ease eat drink and be merry St Luke xii 19 The law worketh wrath for where no law is there is no transgression Rom iv 15
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