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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1882-1883-584

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SCHOOLS IN UNION 581 jfoim&atton Scjool Kensington FOUNDED 1821 Patron The Right Hon and Right Rev the Lord Bishop of London Head Master Rev Raynor ssistant Masters Williams Esq Barrett Esq Prichard Esq Malin Esq Edwards Esq French Chevalier German and Italian Herr Weiss Chemistry Barrett Esq ίJames Radford Esq Civil Drawing י Ε Edwaeds Esq Music Calkin Esq Singing Winterbottom Esq The Course of Education is adapted as well to meet the requirements of boys who are intended for the Universities for the learned professions and for business as to provide direct preparation for the various Military Naval and Civil Service Examinations The Upper School consists of Classical and Modern Department in either of which boys may be placed at the option of their parents The Fees for Tuition due on the 1st January May and September respectively are 0£ Oj For each Scholar nominated by Governor under 12 14 Ditto above 12 15 For Scholar not nominated under 12 16 Ditto above 12 17 Boarding with the Head-Master or with the Rev Ackland £60 per annum The Vacations are four weeks at Christmas six weeks at Midsummer four days at Easter An Exhibition to Oxford Cambridge or Durham of 50 per annum during three years is given every year WYNNE Secretary 34 Warwick Gardens
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