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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1881-1882-79

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chapel restoration fund 77 Round arches north side Eeati pattperes sptrttu quoniam ipsorum est repum calorum 33 ati mites quoniam ipsi possfoebunt terrain IBeati misericortres quoniam ipsi misericorifiam consequents 33eati pacific quoniam filu Mti bocobuntur oc sentite in bobis quoti in fjristo 3Jesu The iron columns and caps supporting the arcade are coloured in warm greens heightened with gold The east wall above the apse is decorated with two circular medallions filled witlrangels in the one case bearing scrolls inscribed with alleluias and in the other playing on musical instruments On each side of the apse-arch are panels of considerable height These are decorated with elaborate ornament of foliated character subordinated to the con- structional wood-work by which number of spaces afforded opportunity for the effective introduction of angels bearing scrolls inscribed with the following mottoes- י Statute zt Sapienter Sancte tt Saptenter urn nosse bibere Ueus iUumtnatto 3Beo serbtre regnare omimts refugium At the west end the organ is the chief feature in the decoration This is very richly treated in gold and colour On the walls north and south of it the space is divided by an arcade in painted work This contains four angelic figures of important size each playing musical instrument Some additional enrichment of the canopied stalls at this end of the building is contemplated During the ensuing summer it is intended to erect lantern in the centre of the roof with the view of improving the light and ventilation The debt owing to the bankers for these wrorks at the close of the present year will be £1000 and with the view of
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