Calendar: 1881-1882 Page 706
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 707 Importa&l pruduQts 01 the diBtiUation oi wood and state how pure acetic acid may be obtained from them Write the symbols for the groups known as methyle hydroxy le and oxatyle and point out the particular class of organic compounds in which each of these groups occurs Describe the method for ascertaining the proportion of alcohol in sample of wine י liquid is submitted to ultimate analysis 06 gramme gives 088 gramme of carbon dioxide and 036 gramme of water it consists of carbon hydrogen and oxygen only Its vapour-density referred to air as unity is 209 Deduce its empirical and molecular formula and name the liquid IV -ittatma illtiJtfa anil Ctyeraptuttctf Enumerate the officinal compounds and preparations of magnesium Give the action and uses of sulphate of magnesia Describe copaiba its preparation composition action and uses Give the preparation properties action and uses of tannic and gallic acids How is nitrous oxide prepared What are the effects produced by inhaling it when unmixed ύ when diluted with air How may these effects be accounted for Give full account of our knowledge concerning the influence of drugs on the odour colour reaction and chemical composition of the urine JUNIOR SCHOLARSHIPS I-Sfoatomp Describe the inferior maxilla and enumerate the muscles which are attached to it Describe the sacra-iliac articulation and point out the advantages of its mechanism τ γ
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