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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1881-1882-701

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702 warneford scholarships Explain fuMy why the force of gravity diminishes as we pass from either Pole to the Equator Describe the experiments of Pascal and Torricelli with the barometer barometer of mercury stands at height of 29 inches Calculate the pressure of the atmosphere in lbs per square inch Describe the construction and explain the action of the ordinary double-barelled air-pump Why is it impossible to obtain perfect vacuum with such pump PART II What is the velocity of sound in air at the average temperature Explain why Newton's- calculation of the velocity of sound did not give result according with ex- periment Enunciate the laws of the transverse vibrations of strings illustrating each enunciation by an example Explain the action of an organ pipe Why does gas flame in tube frequently emit musical sound On what circumstances does the pitch of the note thus produced depend Give an account of Roemer experiments on the velocity of light Draw diagrams showing the formation of the image of luminous object placed in front of convex lense when the distance of the object from the lense is very great when it is equal to twice the focal length when it is equal to the focal length and when it is less than the focal length Give the laws of reflection and refraction of light What is the index of refraction Describe the spectroscope and explain clearly its use in analysis
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