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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1881-1882-700

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WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS 701 Write down the first person singular of the im- perfect and the past participle of get en-rcerben- tydfen -tteffen-6ew8$ren-f$teflen-ratten Conjugate the auxiliary verbs of mood Diirfen- mfiffen-and fonnen in the present and imperfect indi cative and state their past participles In how many ways can the gender of nouns be determined in German Give examples Why is the subject placed after feijlji in the clause £enn fefylft bu if Ί Can you point out some similar inversions in the above passages XIIL-natural SPoiaptJp PART Describe Gravesande's apparatus for experimentally proving the truth of the "Parallelogram of Forces stone weighing 30 lbs in water is attached to one end of rope and immersed in stream of water the other end of the rope being held by person on the bank The horizontal force of the stream against the stone is equal to 40 lbs Draw diagram showing the directions of the various forces acting on the stone and caleulate the pull on the rope On what circumstances do the correctness and sensibility of balance depend In balance having unequal arms substance seems to weigh 25 ozs when placed iu one pan and 16 when placed in the other The length of the longer arm of the balance is 20 inches find the length of the shorter arm How did Galileo attempt to prove that all bodies are equally affected in their fall by gravity stone is projected vertically upwards with velocity of 64 ft per second Find the time taken to reach the highest point the greatest height attained and the velocity of the stone after three seconds
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