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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1881-1882-699

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700 WARNEFORD SCHOLARSHIPS 3δα3 nod fctg bafyin mufj erbutbet rcerben Srbulbet'S Safn Die dtedjnung fcer Styrannen Inroad 6t ein Sag bte attgemetne Unb bie befonbre Sd ulb auf etnmal $al It J-8e$ai me feber bie gcrerfjte QButf Unb fpare fur bag anje feine ϋϊαφε enn 8tou& egel am aflgeineinen ut 2Ber felbjl μφ ilft in feiner eignen acf iun Sell aueil bu ben Slpfel trip bom Q3aume 3111 imbert djritt fo rctrft bu beine unft 930r mtr betrafyrcn mitffen ifttmm bie 5Irmbruft aft fie gleid $ur £anb unb mad bid fertig Ginen Qlpfel וו0גי be3 jtnaben opf ju fcfyiepen Φοφ witt ίφ rattyen jiele gut baf bu Ten 3lpfel treffeft auf ben erfien 8φυ Qiekiit feljljt bu il fo ift bcin Stopj oerloren Translate into German It has been raining for several days The rivers are swollen and some bridges have been swept away Goethe was born on the twenty-eighth of August η the year seventeen hundred and forty-nine at Frankfort on the Maine He died at the age of eighty- three in the town of Weimar The light of the eye is precious gift of heaven Yes we are of one heart of one blood We are one people and united we will act King Albrecht was killed by his nephew John of Swabia because he withheld from him his paternal inheritance Grammatical Questions Decline in the singular and plural the nouns £1rt- &cerDe UBtuift-Sag- ut-6act -with the respective definite article
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