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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1881-1882-671

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672 APPLIED SCIENCES Describe the cross staff and its use Convert 10 acres roods and 17 perches into square yards 1- ji ז-י τβ&£ yni Each side of an equilateral triangle is chains in length What is its area in square chains Explain method of continuing chain-line across river or past an obstruction How is the variation י of the magnetic needle ascertained Make sketch showing the positions and adjustments of the eye-piece the object-glass and the diaphragm of the telescope of theodolite What is meant by the 'line of collimation and by parallax י 10 State the chief differences between the prismatic compass the circumferentor and the theodolite 11 Describe the Vernier ft 12 What correction has to be made in chaining on declivity How is the clinometer utilized for this purpose VIII -SrtS oi Construction -All drawings to be hand-sketches to scale Distinguish between an oolitic limestone and cal- ciferous sandstone Describe how to make concrete with old bricks and blue lias lime Distinguish between yellow deal and white and their uses Describe Ransome's artificial stone Distinguish between pig iron cast and rolled sbd2 Explain the formula ך and apply it to piece of fir inches by and 10 feet long Show the principle of the arch applied to cast-iron bridge
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