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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1881-1882-61

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annual report 59 having been gained The number of the Students is on the whole increasing it is accidentally smaller than usual in the present Term and the work while it is not yet fully developed appears to have begun satisfactorily In connexion with the Evening Class Department the Council haveXagain to record with sincere thanks gift of £200 from the Clothworkers' Company for Testing Machine for the Workshop p-and in conn xionjvith the School of Practical Art gift of 75 specimens of Eastera Art by Messrs Liberty Co Regent Street for the use and instruction of the Students It is subject of gratification to them to find that while new Evening Classes and Lectures are being everyw7her opened the work of King's College in this important direction still continues with unabated efficiency and success Ί -The School maintains high standard of numbers the entries both last Term and this having been large and the List containing at present 611 names Of these 131 appear in the Classical Department and 125 in the Modern Depart- ment of the Upper School while the Middle Sch com- prises 224 and the Lower School 127 boys To provide the necessary increase of accommodation two additional Class- rooms have been erected during the past year The following is list of the distinctions gained by present or former members of the School during the year list of honours gained during the year 1880-81 -Oxford Guthrie Magdalen College Third Class in Classics at Final Examination Kalisch Open Classical Exhibition at Balliol College
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