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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1881-1882-594

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 595 Examine with one or two illustrations in each case the criptural uses of the three words Redemption Propitia- on Mediator Distinguish the doctrine of the Holy Spirit as doctrine of Natural Religion doctrine of the Old Testament doctrine of the New Testament State and illustrate what is declared in the New Testa- nent as to the office of the Paraclete in relation to the office the Lord Jesus Christ Explain clearly the true sense of the word Mystery 3y what method is the mystery of the Holy Trinity taught η Holy Scripture and the earlier creeds Give brief analysis of the teaching of the Athanasian Creed upon it Quote exactly Article VI and mark what it defines and what it leaves undefined on the nature of Holy Scripture Show the importance of this Article both in the sixteenth century and at the present time Distinguish briefly between the origin and the general character of the Three Creeds What position does the Church of England assign to each What authoritative declaration has been made as to the minatory clauses of the What changes in it have been pro- Athanasian Creed Quote Article IX posed and rejected 10 How far is Original Sin י doctrine of Revelation Trace briefly the treatment of it in Holy Scripture Explain the twofold effect ascribed to it in our Article 11 Explain the relation which our Article asserts between the grace of God and the free will of man 12 Examine carefully the Scriptural uses of δικαίωσιε or δικαωω and πίστις How far may faith be considered as itself work 13 Illustrate from Holy Scripture the true relation between faith and works 14 Give some account of the chief epochs of the history of the doctrine of Justification in the Church ρ
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