Calendar: 1881-1882 Page 58
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56 annual report the resignation of the Chair of Logic and Metaphysics by the Rev Watkins on his appointment to the Archdeaconry of Northumberland and while receiving with regret the resignation of so distinguished Student and Teacher of the College they have been able to appoint an admirable successor in the Rev Momerie Μ Α Fellow of St John's College Cambridge already distinguished as Metaphysician In this Department the number of Associates is now 679 of whom 257 passed out in the First Class -In the Department of General Literature and Science there is an advance of numbers from 39 to 45 The number of Candidates for the London University Examinations both for Matriculation and for the degree is increasing Of those sent in for the last Examina- tion all passed one in Honours and the rest in the First Class There are at present 10 Students preparing for the Indian and Home Civil Service The Dean hopes to be able to make some special provision for Candidates for the Woolwich and Sandhurst Examinations and in these ways to develop the usefulness of the Department while still keeping to the old lines of Liberal Education and sending up Students to the Universities -The Department of Applied Sciences has fallen from 65 to 53 but the Council have no reason to feel any diminution of confidence in the vigour and thoroughness of the work done The new Metallurgical Class has begun its course with success and the Council have to acknowledge with sincere gratitude grants for establishing this Department of £550 already paid from the Drapers7 Company and further promised donation of £300 from the Clothworkers1 Company who have long been munificent supporters of the College In this Department the Council announce with much regret the death of Professor Tennant after long and faith- ful service to the College of no less than forty-three years during which he had become endeared to many generations
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