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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1881-1882-417

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418 CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES year from £70 to £90 1st class from £100 to £130 and senior clerks from £140 to £160 per year There are fev higher appointments with salaries ranging from £170 to £90 per year Female Telegraph Learners receive after three months instruction 10s per week After about twelve months service this pay is increased to 146 per week and then rise yearly by Is per week to 17s and afterwards by Is Qd 27s per week There are few higher appointments Candidates for Male Telegraph Learnerships are received ir Class IV of this Prospectus and Candidates for Female Telegraph Learnerships in Class VII For fees books &c see information given at pages 414 and 416 respecting those classes Λ IX INTENDING STUDENTS FKOM THE COUNTRY Intending students from the country being often desirous of testing their qualifications before incurring the expense of removing to London for preparation the Lecturers of this Department undertake to examine them through the post with the view of expressing an opinion on their work and chances of passing and of advising them generally as to the course they should pursue It must however be understood that the Lecturers can do nothing by correspondence that will in any degree anticipate or serve as substitute for the actual class teaching The following fees are charged for the above examination for intending students of Mr Wood's Class Class in prospectus £1 106 if candidates for Clerkships Class and £1 if candidates for other appointments for intending students of Mr Braginton's Class Class II in prospectus £1 for intending students of Mr Walke's Classes Classes III IV and VI in prospectus 15s Appli- cations for examination must be addressed to the Secretary King's College must state the class of appointment fof which the applicant is candidate and must be accompanied by Post Office Order payable to John William Cunningham at Charing Cross London
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