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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1881-1882-415

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416 CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES in April applications to attend must be forwarded to the Secretary Civii Service Commission before March 15th Limits of age 14 and 16 Successful candidates are required to pay the Admiralty £25 per year for the first three years of their training but this money is returned in small weekly payments Board and lodging are provided by the Admiralty and the Students are educated free of expense After six years' training they receive Commissions in Her Majesty's Navy as Assistant Engineers and pass through course of higher instruction at the Royal Naval College Greenwich Full pay including mess allowances -Assistant Engineers first year £137 next three or four years £164 per year Assistants then become Engineers with salaries rising from £191 to £228 At about the age of 36 Engineers become Chief Engineers with salaries rising from £264 to £429 As vacancies occur Chief Engineers are appointed Inspectors of Machinery and receive from £500 to £650 per year Chief Engineers and some Engineers also receive charge money varying from £20 to £100 per year After about thirty years' service an Engineer Officer who has been pro- moted in the usual course can secure retirement of from £400 to £450 per year Assistant and Junior Engineers rank with Naval Sub-Lieutenants Senior Engineers with Naval Lieutenants Chief Engineers with Commanders and Inspectors of Machinery with Captains in the Navy and Colonels in the Army FEMALE CLERKSHIPS The class meets at Exeter Hall Strand Students must use the Exeter Street Entrance where cloak-room for ladies is provided Hours of attendance -On Monday Evenings from 45 to 45 For the present course ending September the class will also meet on Thursdays at the same time
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