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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1881-1882-413

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414 civil service classes OUTDOOR CUSTOMS mr walke Books required -Barnard Smith's Arithmetic Macmillan 4s 6d Spelling Vocabulary Chambers 6d and King's College Tots 6d to be had at the College by Students only Book recommended -Abbott's "How to Write Clearly" Seeley Is fid Hours of Attendance -On Friday evenings from 45 to 45 and on two additional evenings at the latter part of each period from 45 to 15 Fees -16 6a per period of six weeks or 275 6d for two periods The two period fee is considered the unit fee but students are under exceptional circumstances allowed to join for one period Students successful in the examination can have refunded the unexpired part of their fee Subjects of Examination Arithmetic including Tots highest marks attainable 300 English Composition 200 Orthography 200 Handwriting 200 Inquiries respecting this Class should be addressed to Mr Walke 23 Heaton Road Peckham Rye About 150 Outdoor Customs' Officers are appointed anually on the result of open competitive examinations held in February May August and November Limits of age 19 and 25 About half the successful candidates receive in order of merit appointments in London or Liverpool with salaries commencing at £70 the remaining successful candidates are appointed to other ports with salaries com- mencing at £55 The latter candidates can retain their appointments and compete at any subsequent competition for appointments in London or Liverpool After Three Years' service Outdoor Customs Officers are eligible to compete for Examining Officerships and Gauger- ships Examining Officers and Gaugers of the 2nd Class rise
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