Calendar: 1881-1882 Page 411
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412 civil service classes BOY CLERKSHIPS fc Lower Division 99 of the Civil Service Boy Clerks Men and Boy Copyists mr walke Each course of preparation begins about month after the preceding Boy Clerks' examination and continues until the following examination Books required -Barnard Smith's Arithmetic Macmillan 45 6d Richardson's Smaller Modern Geography Murray 25 6d but Anderson's Geography can be used by students who have this book and have not Richardson's Spelling Vocabulary Chambers 6d Curtis's Outlines of Geography Simpkin 6d Philips' First School Atlas Is King's College Tots 6d to be had at the College by Students only -Geography is not required for the Copyists' examina- ti0n8 tM mi jUi iv Λ&νί yjA Book recommended -Abbott's "How to Write Clearly" Seeley Is 6d This class affords suitable preparation for the Men Clerks' and Excise Classes Hours of attendance -On Friday evenings from 45 to 45 and on one additional evening at the latter part of each period from 45 to 15 At the additional meeting Higher Arithmetic is taught Fees -15s per period of six weeks or 255 for two periods The two period fee is considered the unit fee but students are under exceptional circumstances allowed to join for one period Students successful in Civil Service Examination can have refunded the unexpired part of their fee Subjects of Examination -Handwriting highest marks attainable 400 Orthography 400 Arithmetic 300 Tots 100 English Composition 200 Geography 200 Copying Manuscript 200
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