Calendar: 1881-1882 Page 408
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CIVIL SERVICE CLASSES 409 ffices ling's College Indexing 9c to be had at the College by tudents only Books recommended -Spelling Vocabulary Chambers 6d bbott's How to Write Clearly" for composition Seeley 6d Curtis's "Outlines of Geography" Simpkin Qd Richardson's Smaller Modern Geography Murray 25 6d ut Anderson's Class Book of Geography can be used by liose who have this book and have not Richardson Philips' 1irst School Atlas Is Curtis's Outlines of English History Simpkin 6d Tait's Analysis of English History Macmillan 6d Student's Hume Murray 7s 66 King's College ots 6d to be had at the College by Students only Inquiries respecting this class should be addressed to Mr Braginton Edgcumbe House Friends' Road Croydon Mm Clerkships -Candidates for these Clerkships which ire mostly in London must be between 17 and 20 Men Jlerks rise by triennial increments of £15 from £80 to £200 η six hour offices and from £95 to £250 in seven hour The most competent of them receive extra pay not exceeding £100 They may after ten years' service be pro- oted exceptionally to the Higher Division They will be dligible for the open competitions for the Higher Division at iny time if between the limits of age prescribed for it and the upper limit is extended in favour of persons already in the service Second Class Clerkships India Offie -The limits of age for these clerkships are 17 and 20 The salaries are £80 £90 £100 for the first three years rising afterwards by triennial increments of £25 to £250 Outport Clerkships -The term Outport is applied to all the Ports of the united Kingdom where there is Customs Establishment excepting London alone The limits of age for Second Class Clerks are 17 and 20 They rise from £70 by £5 annually for Four Years and then by £10 annually to £200 Many Second Class Clerks have special allowances in addition to the above service salary They are eligible for promotion without examination to- First Class Clerk- ships which rise from £220 by £15 annually to £400 and
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