Calendar: 1881-1882 Page 407
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Page content
408 civil service classes accuracy 200 Indexing or Docketing 200 Digesting Keturns into Summaries 200 English Composition 200 Geography 200 English History 200 Book-keeping 200 Students joining this class should at least be acquainted with Vulgar and Decimal Fractions Proportion and Interest Those who are desirous of preparing for Man Clerkship or an Outport Clerkship and are not yet well acquainted with these Rules are recommended to attend Class or Class IV in the meantime Students or intending Students can attend Class during the vacation of this class for four lessons on Mondays or Thursdays fee 18s or for eight lessons on Mondays and Thursdays fee Ā£1 16s Each course of lessons is made as complete as possible but as the competitions are very severe it is found impracticable to do full justice to the entire scheme of examination in less than two full courses Students often pass with one course only but the great majority require more Students who have the whole of their time at their disposal especially if they wish to compete soon are advised to attend Class also for individual instruction The class is divided into sections On joining all students are placed in the Second Section but they are moved to the First immediately they are found sufficiently advanced There is also an Upper First Section to which are assigned old students well acquainted with the First Section and advanced Book-Keeping courses and Men Clerks preparing for the India Office or Outport Clerkships Students can prepare for the next competition in each Section The First and Second Sections meet on Wednesday evenings from 45 to 15 and on Saturday evenings from 30 to 15 Books required -Brook Smith's Arithmetic Macmillan 4$ 6d Hunter's Self Instruction in Book-Keeping re- quired by beginners Longmans 2s Hamilton and Ball's Book-Keeping required by advanced students Macmillan 2s
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