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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1881-1882-362

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EVENING CLASSES 363 IENCH Class -Syntax and Idioms-Composition ן -Conversation Professor Mariette Class 11 -Grammar-Idioms-Reading Mons Stievenard mas RITHMETIC Tho Friday AT IN Class -Livy Book II Latin Composition optional Professor Warr Class II -Henry's First Latin Book-Cor- nelius Nepos Exercises John Lamb Bradley's -Grammar 'RACTICAL METALLURGY Professor Hqntington Assaying and the Study of the Properties of Metals in the Laboratory from 30 to RACTICAL FINE ART Professor Delamotte Class from to Most of these Classes have special reference to the md Matriculation Examination at the University of London to the Entrance Examination of the Theological Depart- ent All these Classes are held once week and except when otherwise stated begin at 30 and last one hour and The Fee for each separate subject will be 11 Is for Four Classes SI 105 for Five Classes Science Scholarships and Exhibitions Given by the Clothworkcrs Company -The following will be given every year viz Two Prizes of £10 each Two Scholarships of £20 each tenable for two years Two Exhibitions of £10ג tenable for one year II -The Prizes are open at the close of their third or fourth Winter Session to all Students of the Evening Classes who produce certificates of regular attendance on any four of the following Courses of Lectures viz Mathematics Botany Chemistry or Practical Chemistry Mechanics Experimental
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